Blogging has become a new hobby of mine. I may be a late bloomer in the world of blogging but I am enjoying this new role of mine – Bloggerina!
Definition : Bloggerina – A girl who loves blogging.
[May this post stand testament to the fact that I was the creator of the word Bloggerina, if it already exists then … Oh well… tough luck I guess ]
What would be the male equivalent of a Bloggerina?! Nothing comes to mind as of now… Bloggerino perhaps?
Though I read a lot I never really tried my hand at writing (is it just me who sees the pun there? Hand…writing…? Oh boy, this blog sucks!), so this blog is giving me the opportunity to organize my thoughts and express my views, and I must say … I am enjoying it .. a lot!!
I do not know if this blog will ever be read by anyone except for the few people close to me in my life but this is turning out to be a good creative outlet. If this is read or not it will still serve me as an online journal that I can look back and reflect on sometime in the future to better understand myself.
hahaha.. catchy word!